Artwork Title: Video ARt Station – Accidental Possibilities
Experimental Mobile Video Exhibition in Shibuya Station
Curation: Linda Dennis
Artists: Karin Pisarikova, Sam Stocker, Beyond Wen, Linda Dennis
Exhibited as part of Group Exhibition: Accidental Tools, presented by GALAXY Lab
Dates: 2014 Sep
Location: Shibuya HIKARIE 8 COURT, Tokyo
Organization: GALAXY Lab.(Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media + SAMSUNG Electronics Japan)
Group Exhibition: Accidental Tools, presented by GALAXY Lab. 2014
グループ展覧会: Accidental Tools – 予測不可能な文房具」GALAXY Lab. 2014
Linda Dennis Curatorial Project: Video ARt Station – Accidental Possibilities
リンダデニス・キュレーションプロジェクト:ビデオ・アート・ステーション – 予測不可能が生まれる場
Experimental Mobile Video Exhibition in Shibuya Station
Artists: Karin Pisarikova, Sam Stocker, Beyond Wen, Linda Dennis
アーティスト: カリン ・ピサリコヴァ、サム・ストッカー、ビヨンド・ウェン、リンダ・デニス
Artist videos were viewed at specific locations in Shibuya station using AR enabled mobile phones.
The Sony Walkman first made it possible for one person to enjoy music privately in a public place in the 80’s. Now mobile phone video players make it possible for one person to enjoy video privately in a public place. The layering of the two realities of video and place produces a collage type effect, leading to interesting combinations and viewing experiences.
This experimental video installation exhibition is made possible by combining the video player + AR technology, and links artist videos to certain locations in the station. It is hoped that participants will pause to consider and enjoy this layered aesthetic experience in this project, inspired by the technological possibilities of contemporary life.
映像と現実の場所という2つのレイヤーの重なりが、コラージュのような効果を生み出し、 映像と現実が入り交じった視覚体験をひきおこします。この実験的なビデオ・インスタレーションは、ビデオ・プレーヤーと AR技術の融合により、芸術家のショートビデオ作品と駅という現実の場を結び合わせることで生まれました。